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Senin, 03 Juni 2013

Soal Midterm

            Soal Midterm
1.      Tuliskan jenis2 verb dan fungsinya,
2.      Buatlah beberapa contoh kalimat dari auxiliary verb
3.      Perbaiki kalimat berikut;
a.                The theory become truly
b.                Makmur was looking for a job since a month ago
c.                There are much people in the theater building
d.               This is yours book? I found it in on the table just now.
e.                Hey,,, this is ring mine, it’s lost this morning
f.                 This is novel written by myselves
4.      Jelaskan dan buat contoh tentang personal pronoun dan possessive pronoun
5.      Jelaskan tentang degrees of adjectives dan degrees of adverb berilah contoh.



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